Crafting environmental solutions that integrate nature and culture, land and sea.

We bridge science, policy, stakeholder and practitioner knowledge to create comprehensive, innovative, and workable environmental solutions.
About us

Our services


Research, analysis, & synthesis

Experimental design, statistics, & decision tools

Emerging fields in conservation

Our Work

We work at the land-sea interface with the understanding that land and ocean interact in important ways, with rivers running to the sea and oceans rising. The land-sea margin encompasses more than the coast: land-use and freshwater choices carry all the way to the ocean, and changes to the ocean as a physical, chemical, and biological system affect not only our marine food supply but the way the whole earth-system functions.

We work with designers, engineers, environmental lawyers, environmental policy specialists, farmers, fishermen, indigenous people, ranchers, PhD scientists, and other innovators and entrepreneurs to solve problems and move towards environmental health and cohesive, healthy communities.

We work in the fields of

  • Climate change mitigation, particularly the role of native plant ecosystems, on land and in wetlands, in storing carbon
  • Coastal climate adaptation
  • Ecology
  • Farm-to-ocean connections in coastal environments, improving water quality by reducing nutrient and pesticide loads
  • Maintenance of biodiversity and ecological function
  • Nature’s benefits or ecosystem services, developing nature-based solutions for clean, consistent drinking water supplies; healthy coastal oceans that support fisheries and buffer storm surge; and flood control.

One tool we use is design thinking, which is a dynamic process for problem solving. We keep human needs, values, and livelihoods in an integrated picture of humans and nature.

Our Collaborators and Clients

We are honored to work with many types of organizations, from governmental agencies and non-profit organizations to socially-responsible businesses.

Past Collaborators

The Elkhorn Slough Foundation, California

Karin Lehmkuhl, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Galena, Alaska

Louden Tribal Council, Galena, Alaska

Huslia Tribal Council, Huslia, Alaska

The Snoqualmie Tribe, Washington

Contact us

If you want to create solutions for people and nature in a rapidly changing world, we can help.