Coming Soon!

I’m looking forward to being a participant in the first SF Bay CalTREX (TREX is prescribed-fire training exchange)! This weekend’s burn won’t happen as scheduled; we’ll try again another weekend. The trainings have become highly local to safely address the COVID pandemic: we wear masks, and all who are able go home each night to sleep (instead of 2 weeks of camping out and putting good fire on the ground). For more information, check out Fire Forward in Sonoma County and the TREX program.
Photo credit: Sarinah Simons. State Parks’ and Amah Mutsun Land Trust fire crews, January 2020.
The Latest
This is a collection of interviews I’ve been invited to give, blog posts I’ve written, and news articles that stand out to me.
TEDx ReImagine Science
Invited to give a TEDx talk on climate solutions, I spoke at the ReImagine Science event about Indigenous and non-Indigenous collaborations on cultural burning, and how fire could possibly be a climate solution. My talk has been chosen for the main TED website.
Native Stewards and the state agency CalFire do prescribed burning in collaboration
In March 2020, just before shelter-in-place for COVID19, the Native Stewards of the Amah Mutsun Land Trust and I worked collaboratively with CalFire on fuel reduction and burning piles in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Environmental scientist, Joanna Nelson, on right relationship
Listeners will venture through Joanna’s global work collaborating with tribal councils, resource managers, and academic teams to understand the profound effects of human choices upon diverse eco-systems. Whether it is wildfires in Alaska or California…